BerserkerMail User Guidelines

We want BerserkerMail to be the best email marketing platform you’ve ever used. However, for this to be true for you and our other users (“Berserkers”), there must be guidelines. These rules exist to protect you and the platform.

When you become a Berserker, and every time you sign in to your BeserkerMail account, you agree to abide by these guidelines as they are updated from time to time. If you violate these rules, we will exercise our unilateral discretion to enforce these guidelines. This can include, but is not limited to, account suspension or termination.

1. Get permission. This includes:

(a) No unsolicited commercial email (spam);

(b) Encourage subscribers to whitelist/safelist your sender email address;

(c) Don’t exceed the scope of permission you obtained from each subscriber; and

(d) Immediately process all unsubscribe requests.

2. Don’t engage in fraudulent or deceptive email marketing practices. Here are some examples:

(a) Using a fake sender name or email address;

(b) Giving false instructions on how to unsubscribe from your lists;

(c) Having a misleading subject line;

(d) Not disclosing affiliate status or other material connection when making an offer;

(e) Falsely imply endorsement by a celebrity or public figure;

(f) Misrepresenting an offer’s terms or conditions; and

(g) Making false or unsubstantiated claims about the product or service you are marketing.

3. Obey applicable law and government regulations. For example, because BeserkerMail is based in the United States, you cannot use our platform for the following activities:

(a) Online gambling promotions (via website or mobile app);

(b) Stock promotions (sale of securities or other investments);

(c) Promote products or services related to, depicting, or describing (1) erotica, (2) nudity, (3) pornography, or (4) otherwise appealing to the prurient interest;

(d) Cryptocurrency promotions;

(e) Promote credit repair products or services;

(f) Collect debts or market debt relief products or services (enrolled agent, certified public accountant, and tax attorney I.R.S. representation services are permitted);

(g) Promote violence or harm to others;

(h) Market or sell to minor children under the age of 18 (you can promote to parents or legal guardians);

(i) Promote sex trafficking or human trafficking;

(j) Advocate for overthrow of a government by revolution, civil war, or other violent means;

(k) Infringe upon the intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks, or service marks), publicity rights, or privacy rights (e.g., doxing) of a third party;

(l) Promote pyramid schemes;

(m) Market or sell products or services related to tarot card readings, psychic readings; numerology, astrology, or crystals.

(n) Defame a company or individual or cast a third party, product, or service in a false light; and

(o) Promote illegal drugs or pharmaceuticals subject to regulation by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Want to learn more about protecting yourself when email marketing?

When you become a paying BerserkerMail customer, you will receive free access (in the Learnistic app) to the book “Email Marketing: How To Protect Your Business When Selling By Email” by Internet Business Lawyer Mike Young.